The article "Stand structure and acorn production in island scrub oaks (Quercus pacifica)" has been accepted to the California Island Symposium Monograph of the Western North American Naturalist. Together with our colleagues from The Nature Conservancy, the island scrub-jay crew has been surveying oak trees across S. Catalina, S. Rosa and of course S. Cruz islands. We found that the three island populations vary tremendously in their stand densities and acorn production, but that the variation does not seem associated with the presence of seed predators and dispersers. We also present the first five years of acorn count data that we collected to figure out if island scrub oaks are classic masting oaks. We will continue counting acorns in the future, in order to understand the effect of varying acorn crops on Santa Cruz wildlife.
What an honor! PBS NOVA featured a modified version of BBC's "Inside the Animal Mind" that featured footage of island scrub-jays handling acorns. They also show a short interview sequence in which I describe basic scatter-hoarding of seeds. Overall, the show is a great summary of ideas around avian cognition that features the work of many of my dear colleagues around the world. Bird brains unite! Find the full show here: |
October 2018